June 8th,
Finally it is Friday! I just finished up my first week at the New York Mets' single-A minor league organization, the Brooklyn Cyclones. The Cyclones are compiled of rookies and second-year players. They start their season on June 18th, so I have been calling fans that came to the ballpark last year to see if they would want to purchase group packages. I have been in sales for about a year and a half, where I sold cell phones at T-Mobile, so transitioning to selling over the phone has been pretty easy. The Cyclones have a beautiful stadium in Coney Island, which I found out this week is right next to the original Nathan's hotdog restaurant where they have the annual hotdog eating contest each July 4th. Being from a small town in Northeast Ohio, adjusting to the hustle and bustle of New York City has been fun over the past week.
After work, I was able to make the hour and a half trek from Coney Island to Leverage Agency to hear maybe the most inspiring speech I have ever heard. Richard Bernstein has completed 17 marathons, 1 Iron Man, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northwestern University, is a professor at Michigan University, an attorney, and "oh yeah", did I mention that he is blind? After hearing all of Richard's accolades, it made me think that if this man was able to do so much in his life while not being able to see, then there should not be a ceiling to what I am able to accomplish in my life. Richard shared many stories about overcoming adversity and how we can all make a difference in someone else's life. He talked about how we are all here to make the world a better place. Richard talked about how he has fought/sued many top companies who have refused to acknowledge the rights of people with disabilities. Richard is an extraordinary person and someone that I am truly honored that I had the opportunity to meet.
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